What is the Taranaki Facilities Consortium?

The Taranaki Facilities Consortium is a collective of 9 partners and their representatives from across the region that are in agreement that given the issues we are facing with sport, active recreation and play facilities, we value: 




The Taranaki Facilities Consortium is the mechanism to review facility challenges and projects, to provide support and ensure any facility build or redevelopment aligns with core values.

Facilities Information Tool

Everything you need to know about the TFC including its role, how to engage and the Facility Challenge Submission process is contained within the Facilities Information Tool

Make sure to read all the information before attempting to report a project to the TFC.


TFC Meeting Dates for 2024:

- Thursday 4 July

- Thursday 15 August

- Thursday 26 September

- Thursday 7 November 

- Thursday 19 December​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

For a facility challenge submission to be considered by the TFC it must be recieved atleast 1 week prior to the meeting date. 

Report to the TFC:

Once you have read all the informaton in the Facilities Information Tool and are ready to report your project to the TFC, click below!​​​​​​​


Collaborating for Active Spaces and Places Strategy (CASP)

To address the challenges, together, with the support of a local consultant, the TFC devised a strategy that could ensure key enablers of sport, active recreation and play agree a way towards reducing duplication and inefficiencies while inspiring collaboration, accessibility and sustainability.


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